Work Health and Safety Representative
Huntingfield 30 Patriarch Dve, Huntingfield, TasmaniaA four day course designed specifically for elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs in workplace environments.
A four day course designed specifically for elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs in workplace environments.
A full day course that includes CPR, wound management, Chest pain,etc
A four day course designed specifically for elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs in workplace environments.
A full day course that includes CPR, wound management, Chest pain,etc
A full day course that includes preparation for removal of friable asbestos, safely undertaking removal, site clean up and legislative requirements.
A full day course that includes preparation for removal, safe supervision of removal and management of decontamination processes.
A full day course that includes preparation for removal of non-friable asbestos, safely undertaking removal, site clean up and legislative requirements.
HSR Consulting is accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) for Asbestos Fibre Identification, Asbestos Fibre Counting and Volume Measurement (Air).
Accreditation Number: 19794
30 Patriarch Drive
Huntingfield, Tasmania 7055
[email protected]